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'Contagious skin infection' reported at Fieldale-Collinsville Middle School

The following letter was sent to parents:

September 20, 2019

Dear Cavalier Families,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that a small number of students who attend FCMS have reported symptoms of a contagious skin infection.

The Martinsville Health Department has been in contact with the school and has begun a collaborative investigation.

While not confirmed by the Health Department at this time, skin infections can be easily transmitted person to person.

We have collaborated with the local Health Department to take steps at school to prevent the spread of any illness; however, it is important for you to work with your child to help prevent and limit transmission.

Good hygiene is the best way to prevent transmission of any illnesses. The following are recommended:

  • Frequently wash your hands, especially after toileting and before eating or preparing food. Hands should be washed with warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds.

  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces regularly.

  • Immediately remove and wash clothing or linens following vigorous activity like that students complete during athletics and physical education classes.

  • Cuts or lesions should be kept clean and covered to avoid possible infection.

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Sep 27, 2019

Based on the comments about athletic activity I would think staph infection, like MRSA


Cindy Hopkins Purdy
Cindy Hopkins Purdy
Sep 25, 2019

It would be helpful to know which contagious skin infection. There are many, and we need to know what to look for on our middle schooler.

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