PATRICK COUNTY, VA – A Stuart man has been charged with the recent roadside killing of two albino deer and with multiple counts of distributing meth.
Sheriff Dan Smith said that on March 10 around 10 a.m., deputies with the tactical response team were executing three distribution of meth indictments at 53 Cedar View Lane in Stuart.
35-year-old Michael Ray Clifton, of that address, was listed as the accused on the indictments and was arrested upon arrival.
The drug indictments stemmed from an ongoing investigation.
The deputies were assisted by the Department of Wildlife Resources Law Enforcement Division.
Clifton has been charged with the following:
2 counts of spotlighting deer with the intent to shoot
2 counts hunting from a motor vehicle
2 counts of discharging a firearm from a roadway
2 counts of illegal possession of deer not reported
hunting without a license
hunting without a big game license
The wildlife charges are the result of a three month investigation where two albino deer were found dead with their tails cut off.
The killing of the deer occurred on Little Russell Creek Road.
Clifton was released on a $2,500 secured bond while awaiting trial.
so glad they got the scumbag