MARTINSVILLE, VA – The Psi Phi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the national honors society for community college students, hosted at Patrick & Henry Community College celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special induction ceremony.
The chapter also welcomed 50 new members.
Students receive an invitation to join PTK if they have a 3.5 grade point average and have completed at least 12 hours of course work.
P&HCC’s President Dr. Greg Hodges was the keynote speaker for the induction ceremony.
The chapter also recognized current members Dan Zhou, Faith Sprinkle, and Audrey Witt for being named to the PTK All-Virginia Academic Team.
Current member Bhavna Sheth was recognized for becoming a semi-finalist for the position of Division 1 International Vice President for all Phi Theta Kappa.
After the special recognitions, the following new members were inducted:
Ararat: Makayla Hall
Axton: Alexis Tiznado
Bassett: Sydney Clark, Sally Davis, Makayla Loudermilk, Bryan Martell-Rios, and Sydney Martin
Chesapeake: Aidan Cunningham
Collinsville: Maggie Arnold, Gabriel Baird, Eva Brill, Jelani Chandler, Cameron Easley, Lucas Epiphanio, Dominique Lyons, Christopher Secrest, Guilherme Sitton de Carvalho, Osman Torres, Zane Winborne, Nathalia Nascimento, Kaua Procknow Ferreira, Carlos Darci Trott Neto, Enrico Zorzin Onzi, Georges Soares
Danville: Joshua Lovelace
Henry: Jocelyn Correa and Jennifer Correa
Martinsville: Macy Deal, Alexis Garten, Scott Harmon, Abigail Jimenez, Sarah Loftin, Ayden Pickett, Melinda Roberts, Julie Smith, Ralene Gray
North Dinwiddie: Michael Johnson
Patrick Springs: Michael Elliott and Haley Underwood
Ringgold: Cammie Hoskins
Rocky Mount: Samantha Morrison and Zavier Winston
Salem: Charli Jones
Stuart: Joseph Carmady, Madison Denny, Hailey Goins, and Summer Merriman
Trafford, PA: Robert Lane
Wirtz: Karson McKee
Woolwine: Jasmine Taylor