MARTINSVILLE, VA – On Wednesday, Patrick Henry Community College is closing the campus to the public.
Students needing to conduct business on campus must call or email to set up an appointment.
Nearly every staff and faculty member will be working remotely.
The college said that as with every change that has happened in the last two weeks, their primary goals are always to protect students and to continue providing them quality instruction and the opportunity to complete their goals.
On Fridays, every PHCC site will be entirely closed for deep cleaning and sanitizing.
“As social distancing is key to flattening the curve of this pandemic, PHCC is taking this seriously,” President Dr. Angeline Godwin said. “For PHCC, practicing social distancing means significantly limiting the number of people in our buildings.”
When students returned from spring break last Monday, they were not returning to the classroom.
Ninety-nine percent of the college’s classes are now being taught remotely.
The college is offering support services for students needing assistance transitioning to remote learning including tutoring services, technology services, laptop loans, and the college’s food pantry.
To access this assistance or to set up an appointment for on-campus business, students will need to contact the associated office.
A list of contacts can be found here.
To stay up-to-date on changes and to stay connected with course work, PHCC students need to check email and Canvas at least daily.
They can also follow the college on social media and check the website to stay informed.