MARTINSVILLE, VA – With social distancing measures remaining in place as 2021 progresses, Patrick Henry Community College announces that it will conduct its 2021 commencement ceremony virtually in May. According to current public health data, large gatherings such as commencement ceremonies will likely not be feasible by early May. As such, the college’s annual graduation ceremony will be held via Facebook Live in lieu of a traditional in-person gathering that would likely involve more than 500 people. The virtual ceremony will be held on May 15 at 10AM –the same day and time that had been slated for the traditional ceremony.
“This group of graduates may be our most resilient graduating class yet – sticking with their studies through one of the most unprecedented years we have ever experienced. Truly, these students have earned the right to be honored and recognized,” says PHCC’s President Dr. Angeline Godwin. “While we are saddened that we cannot be in-person for this event, we are looking forward to celebrating all the accomplishments of our 2021 grads.”
The 2021 virtual ceremony will look much like the virtual ceremony that the college conducted in 2020. All students will have their moment to shine as the college announces their names, degrees, credentials, and awards just as it would be with a traditional ceremony. Family, friends, and the students themselves will all be watching and cheering via Facebook live. Instead of watching the student walk across the stage, they will see the student’s picture as the speaker reads the name.