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Patrick & Henry Community College names 2023 distinguished alumni

ROW 1, LEFT TO RIGHT: Sandra Heath, Frances Wade, Dayna Bobbitt, Dr. Bethany Lackey, Rodney Mills, Elizabeth Ashby ROW 2: P&HCC Foundation Executive Director Tiffani Underwood, Dr. Jan Harrison, Angie Brown, Rick Love, Dr. Dylan Jones, Brad Draper, P&HCC President Dr. Greg Hodges.

HENRY COUNTY, VA – The Patrick & Henry Community College Foundation honored 11 graduates as distinguished alumni at the awards dinner on Friday at Chatmoss Country Club.

P&HCC says it recognizes alumni who have brought distinction to themselves through academic achievement, career success and community involvement each year.

Alumni who have graduated with a degree or certificate or have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours at P&HCC, have demonstrated success within their field of expertise, and have provided significant service in local, state, or national organizations are eligible for nomination.

This year’s award recipients are: Elizabeth Ashby, Dayna Bobbitt, J.D., Angie Brown, Brad Draper, Dr. Jan Harrison, Sandra Heath, Dr. Dylan Jones, Dr. Bethany Lackey, Rick Love, Rodney Mills, and Frances Wade.

Each alumni completed the following education at the community college:

  • Ashby completed credits towards her associate degree in 2005. While attending undergrad, she completed the CNA program during the summer of 2008. Ashby currently serves as a Secondary Science Instructor of Physical Science, AP Biology, Life Science and General Biology for Virtual Virginia. She is also a Science Content Specialist with the CHOICE Program & Virginia Ed Strategies.

  • Bobbitt graduated with her associate degree in science from in 2010 by participating in the D2 and Governor’s School programs. Bobbitt is the Commonwealth’s Attorney in Patrick County.

  • Brown earned her associate degree in business administration in 1988. Brown currently serves as the Site Facilitator at the Patrick County site of P&HCC.

  • Draper graduated in 1982 with his associate degree in business administration. Draper is the owner and operator of Draper Flowers & Gifts.

  • Harrison earned her associate degree in early childhood development in 2003 and her associate degree in general studies in 2006. Harrison is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Development at P&HCC.

  • Heath graduated in 1988 with a certificate in bookkeeping and in 1992 with an associate degree in computer information systems, microcomputer specialist. Heath is in her 27th year serving as District Manager for the Patrick County Soil and Water Conservation District, a sub-division of the Commonwealth. In addition to her full-time job, Heath also is co-owner and operator of Heath Ridge Beef Cattle Farm.

  • Jones earned his associate degree in general studies from P&HCC in 2014. Jones is a biologist with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC.

  • Lackey graduated with her associate degree in general studies in 2008. Lackey is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Virginia and is the Executive Director and co-founder of A Tree Planted Counseling. She also started the Roanoke Refugee Partnership in 2017 and is the director. Lackey is an adjunct professor in the Counselor Education department at Virginia Tech.

  • Love graduated in 1980 with an associate degree in business. Love is a Senior Member Advocate at ValleyStar Credit Union.

  • Mills earned his associate degree in general studies in 2005. Mills is an AVID English and Sociology Teacher at Greensville County High School in Emporia.

  • Wade graduated in 1982 with an associate degree in secretarial science. Wade is a Master Chief Deputy Clerk with the Henry County Circuit Court.

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