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PCHS Class of 1971 donates over $4,200 to Patrick Promise

PATRICK COUNTY, VA – The Patrick County High School class of 1971 has responded to Patrick County Education Foundation’s challenge to support Patrick & Henry Community College’s Patrick Promise.

The class gave a donation of over $4,200 to help future PCHS graduates.

“A little over 40 years ago, the Class of 1971 scholarship was established. Recipients were to be children of our class and that was the practice for a number years. It eventually expanded to if the parent was a graduate of PCHS,

the graduate was considered,” said student government president Ron Haley.

Patrick Promise will extend support to provide free tuition to PCHS graduates attending P&HCC similar to The Harvest Foundation’s SEED program for students in Martinsville and Henry County.

“Our scholarship fund has awarded approximately 50 scholarships. We are closing our program and contributing the balance to PCEF for the benefit of PCHS graduates,” Haley added.

To date, PCEF has raised the resources needed to fully fund the first two years of the Patrick Promise, according to P&HCC.

Once funds have been raised for year three, the board plans to launch the program.

“We are so grateful for the Class of 1971’s support as we work to ensure financially secure futures for our fellow PCHS graduates. It is my hope that every PCHS class will join us in meeting this important challenge,” said PCEF Board Chair Dr. Stewart Roberson.

Community members interested in donating are encouraged to do so here and designate Patrick Promise when donating.



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