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Supervisors approve purchase of truck for Patrick-Henry Volunteer Fire Department

HENRY COUNTY, VA – The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.

During the meeting, the board took the following actions:

  • Received a report on delinquent tax collection efforts from Treasurer Scott Grindstaff. As of August 31, 94.45 percent of 2020 personal property taxes have been collected with a total of $57,777.39 collected during the month. For the same period, 95.66 percent of 2020 real estate taxes were collected. The amount collected in the month was $76,815.80.

  • Approved the purchase of a new tanker-style fire truck from C.W. Williams & Company, LLC, for the Patrick-Henry Volunteer Fire Department in the amount of $203,542.

  • Approved an additional appropriation of $315,000 from the General Fund to cover overages in the Children’s Service Act Program Fund.

  • Heard an update on the financial health trends of Henry County from Davenport Financial.

  • Heard from Sheriff Lane Perry regarding ongoing issues and opportunities related to the recruitment and retention of deputies. Staff was instructed evaluate the issue with the Sheriff’s Department and to issue an RFP for a compensation and benefits study for all County employees. Staff was also instructed to investigate a voluntary web-based program that will host exit interviews for outgoing employees.

  • Heard from VDOT Resident Engineer Lisa Price-Hughes regarding general highway matters.

  • Heard from Todd Norman, Chief of the Fieldale Volunteer Fire Company, regarding equipment needs of the county’s eight volunteer fire departments.

  • Approved a resolution requesting $663,400 from the VDOT's Revenue Sharing Program for improvements to Reservoir Road. The roadway upgrade will be approximately 3,550 linear feet, starting at the intersection of Reservoir Road and Greensboro Road and continuing to the end of the roadway just past the limits of the CCBC property.

  • Approved a request to rezone approximately 21-acres at 94 Bryants Lake Road in the Blackberry District from Rural Residential District R-R to Agricultural District A-1. The applicant wishes to construct additional accessory buildings on the property.

  • Approved a request to rezone approximately 12-acres at 3090 Mt. Olivet Road in the Iriswood District from Residential District S-R to Mixed Residential District M-R. The applicant intends to remove the old house from the property and replace it with a double wide manufactured home on a masonry foundation.

  • Denied a rezoning request for approximately 0.7-acres at 1285 Bassett Heights Road in the Reed Creek District from Suburban Residential District S-R to Rural Residential District R-R. The applicant had intended to place a single wide mobile home on the property but following a public hearing, the Planning Commission and staff felt the rezoning would not fit the community.



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