MARTINSVILLE, VA – Martinsville City Public Schools continues to see increases in its on-time graduation rate.
City schools say last year’s rate was 90% for students graduating in four years, and this year’s rate at 94.62% is an almost 5-point increase.
According to a recent Virginia Department of Education report, Martinsville’s rate exceeds the state on-time graduation rate by two points.
“I am excited about our graduation rate and look forward to reaching a 100% rate,” said Superintendent Dr. Zeb Talley. “I appreciate the great efforts of our students, parents, teachers, staff, community, and administrators in achieving this great status. The data reflects that we are above the state average, and we must strive to continue providing our families with a first-class education.”
The school system’s rate is higher than the neighboring districts of Henry County (91%), Patrick County (93%), and Franklin County (93%).
MCPS also leads in specific areas compared to the state average.
The MCPS graduation rate among Hispanic students is 94%, 13 points higher than the state.
The graduation rate among students with disabilities is 100%, 10 points higher than the state.
The graduation rate among economically disadvantaged students is 96%, seven points higher than the state.
The graduation rate among Black students is 96%, five points higher than the state.
“We take a systems approach,” said Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Angilee Downing. “This work starts in pre-school so that as students transition from grade level to grade level, they are ready to be successful. This mindset is the core principle of our district. It’s the dedication of our teachers, administration, support staff, and families who all work as a team to empower success, just like our vision says.”